

I'm assuming many of you are crafters, DIY brides, wood flower florists or maybe you just happened on this site by accident.

Today I'm talking to you creative minds - artists, designers, and the like. Ever end up in a rut? Ever just think of your project and not even know where to start?

Maybe you even have all of your supplies staring at you in the face. And yet, you don't even know where to begin.

Let me challenge you with this thought - the longer you take to begin, the harder it is. It becomes overwhelming, maybe even anxiety inducing. It becomes bigger than it needs to or should be.

Let me give you a friendly nudge if this is you. Just pick up something, put something in your hands, and just do it. Even if it's not perfect, just start... And then keep going.

Momentum: the strength or force that something has when it is moving. There is power in moving. Just start.

If you are on this page because you work with wood flowers and are considering making it a business - start. Register your business, get wholesale accounts, get a logo and website, and create cool stuff. Just start. Let it blossom and bloom as it builds momentum.

Stagnant: still, motionless,  immobile,  inert,  lifeless, dead, standing, slack, static, stationary. Don't be stagnant. There is nothing created or built out of stagnancy.

So, if you need to hear this today, don't look at rooms full of things waiting to be made into beautiful creations. Don't just dream of having a business. If it's not crafts or wood flowers, what is it that's waiting for you? Get in the middle of it and just start. Let the power of momentum take you where you need to be.

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I love this! This is what I needed to hear! I have a lot of plans and ideas. Dreams and goals. But everything will remain as is unless you put it into action! Now time for me to put the phone down and start working my dreams!

Gail Mason

Oh My!! Thank you! I so needed to hear this. Now to get my butt in gear.😁

Lisa Roth

Perfect, with a new business and trying to do my things to keep it stock, as well as 23 other Artisans I do get very overwhelmed and then get nothing accomplished. I need to paint on my office wall, or my workroom/classroom “Just do it”.

Sandi Gentile

Thank you for all you do for so many! You are a inspiration.💐💐💐

South Style Designs by Jules

God but you in our lives for a reason. Thank you for being you and for allowing us to be in your life and adventure.
We all need a little push every now and then.

Julie Nixon

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